BMI Hiring Event – MARCH 2, 2016 Candidates can RSVP and submit their resumes to Sales experience & a track record of success must be prominently documented within the resume. Individual 1:1 screening interviews will be held from 4:00 – 6:15 pm. All attendees must adhere to their assigned time. Submit your resume and…
Find the application here!
May and August 2016 grads only: Wednesday, March 23rd from 5:30-6:30pm in the Vince Gill Room, the Curb College will bring in industry professionals to give you last minute advice for your job search. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet someone new, to learn more about your area of interest, AND to be better prepared…
The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival is currently seeking enthusiastic externs for the 2016 event! Externships provide an excellent, hands-on learning opportunity for college students looking to gain work experience at one of the biggest music experiences of the summer. Although externships are unpaid, meals are provided for the length of the position, which ranges…
Sadly NBCUniversal canceled their campus visit next week due to limited staffing. To all interested applicants for summer and fall 2016 internships, the recruiters WILL still see your applications, and they will make a point to expedite qualified candidates through their system. Tish Stewart will send all approved applications to their team that were in…
Join a small group of students for an intimate tour, info session, and Q&A with one of music row’s top publishing and artist management companies! The event will take place next Monday, February 22nd, from 4-5:30pm. Must RSVP to attend! To RSVP, email with your name and your top 3 questions for Parallel Entertainment.…
The Nashville Symphony inspires, entertains, and educates through excellence in musical performance. Are you looking for an opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience while making a lasting impact on the Nashville community? Do you have a passion for music and the arts? Well then look no further! The Nashville Symphony offers full-time college students…
Meet one of Paradigm’s top national recruiters and learn about their internships and full-time jobs available! Info session – Friday, February 26th | 10am | Johnson 119. Apply today through CareerConnector to be considered for an interview on 2/26 after the info session! Deadline to apply for an on-campus interview is Sunday, 2/21. Click here…
Click here fore more info on their film internships for summer and fall 2016. Click here for more info on their various Music department internships for summer and fall 2016. Email Tish Stewart or Julie Jackson with any questions you may have. Regardless – plan to join us for their info session on…