
Want to be part of Pipeline 6.0?



The Pipeline Project

Where innovation begins

The Pipeline Project is a summer program consisting of 9 innovative, self-driven students who have an entrepreneurial, analytical, and critical thinking mind set with a strong understanding of emerging trends in the entertainment industry. The student team devotes their summer to open dialogue, research and analysis of industry issues at the direction of sponsoring entertainment companies and their executives. Students receive a stipend of $1,500 and campus housing provided by the University (at no cost for the student). Any major across campus may apply. The application process includes an online written application as well as extensive individual and group interviews.
Applications open in February each year for the upcoming summer team.


What are the dates of Pipeline?
The dates of Pipeline change a little each year, but typically Pipeline begins with a few training / team building dates in March/April. The official program begins the first Monday in June and wraps at the end of the first week in August. Of course, as Pipeline is an ever changing experience, Pipeline could begin as early as May.
What is the application process like?
The first round of applications is an online short answer and essay portion. The second and third round are individual and team interviews. You can expect it to be the most challenging application and interview process you’ve ever experienced. You can also expect to be surprised.
How much of a time commitment is Pipeline?
The Pipeline Project will be your full-time job for the summer. Some previous Pipeliners have taken a summer class or held another part-time job, but they all agree they wish they had given Pipeline 100% of their time and not juggled other summer priorities. It’s a lot of work and requires immense dedication.
What skills or attributes are you looking for?
We are looking for highly self-motivated students who work well as a team and if left alone all summer would still produce deliverables. We look for a variety of unique skill sets that when combined make an unstoppable team!
What do you actually do as part of Pipeline?
It changes every year! The Pipeline team essentially serves as a consulting firm to invested entertainment companies-so the team works on whatever project the invested company is interested in. This typically includes research, project proposals, and a tangible deliverable.
Who is eligible?
All majors and all years. We’ve even had some students who graduate that May chose to set aside their summer to be on the Pipeline Team.
What if I’m studying abroad and can’t be in Nashville for the interviews?
We can set up a skype interview. Just be sure you have a great connection in whatever location you decide to skype with us. Test it before your interview. Few things are worse in an online interview than the feed cutting out continuously.
If you have additional questions about the program, please contact Hanna Seymour at 615-460-6259 or by email at hanna.seymour@belmont.edu.

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