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3 Questions Answered Series: Part V


This is the final entry in the “3 Questions Answered Series” by CEMB Internship Coordinator, Jamie Stamey.  If you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting, don’t hesitate to contact her at jamie.stamey@belmont.edu.
Q13: Do you need or can you get internship credit in the songwriting major?  Or is it only music business?
A13: While none of the CEMB majors require internships, there is room in the curriculum for all them for internships to count!  Internships typically count in the “major electives” or “free electives” areas.  Students can count up to six hours of internship credit toward their major requirements or three hours of credit toward their music business minor.  Specifically for songwriting majors, I see most students doing internships within the world of publishing, licensing or PROs.
Q14: Hypothetically, I am applying to multiple internships and one offers me a position immediately and one takes their time.  What should I say to the internship that made an offer if I prefer the other internship and I want to wait for a reply?
A14: This is a realistic situation.  The first thing to do is ask the company that has extended the offer when they need a final answer.  If they say “within a week” then you need to answer them within a week.  If you still haven’t heard from that other company, then you need to trust your gut.  Did the interview go well?  Do you think you have a significant chance of getting the internship?  If the answers to those question are yes, then you might take the risk of turning down the first offer to wait out the second company.  You don’t have to tell them you are awaiting a “better” opportunity, just explain that you don’t feel like the timing is right and you’d like to communicate in future semesters.  But like I said last week, NEVER ACCEPT AN INTERNSHIP AND THEN CHANGE YOUR MIND LATER ON!
Q15: What if a company’s website doesn’t have enough information to send thank you notes/emails?
A15:  Utilize your resources.  Can you find info on LinkedIn?  If you can’t find it on your own, contact the Internship Coordinator.  It’s pretty likely she can get you the correct info.  Just remember to get the names of the people you spoke with/interviewed with.

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