Secret Road needs an Intern


Secret Road is a boutique music licensing, management, and publishing company. Founded in 2007 by Lynn Grossman, the company at its core is about providing opportunities for emerging and known artists to flourish in their careers with a focus towards sync placements.  The company has had many successful syncs across all platforms (Film & TV placements on Netflix, HBO, Amazon, & Hulu; and Commercial placements for Google, Apple, Samsung, & Honda, to name a few). Secret Road also releases music under the label Secret Road Records, providing marketing / digital support and access to DSPs.
Based primarily in Los Angeles, Secret Road also has offices in New York, Nashville, and Perth. The internship is remote, though there are usually occasions to meet in person at our artists’ local shows and showcases.
We generally ask that Internship be for college credit, and the intern be available 3 full days a week (with a mandatory zoom meeting on Wednesday mornings).
Seeking an intern with the following attributes:

  • Responsible
  • Proactive
  • Inquisitive
  • Outgoing
  • Hardworking
  • Has desire to explore a career in the music industry
  • Computer savvy
    • Gmail
    • Google Calendars
    • Google Docs & Spreadsheets
    • Excel
    • Outlook
    • Familiar with Spotify/iTunes/Shazam/etc.
  • Can work remotely/independently

Tasks Include (but not limited to):

  • Update company-wide calendar of upcoming artist shows and showcases
  • Assist Publishing team with DISCO/metadata tasks including:
    • Processing and tagging new songs when delivered by artists
    • Update and group songs into appropriate Channels
    • Add song lyrics to track metadata
    • Track and update cover songs in our catalog
  • Assist A&R team with weekly tasks
    • Group incoming songs by genre, tempo, style, etc.
    • Track artist releases
    • Update and create playlists for Secret Road’s Spotify
  • Assist TV/Film team track sync airdates
  • Assist Licensing & Management teams with any supplemental needs
  • Take part in weekly company-wide meeting
  • Put forth ideas of how to improve our current systems and daily routines

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a better understanding of the music licensing, management and publishing world
  • Introduction to metadata, publishing, and A&R perspectives through a sync-based lens
  • Observe inner-workings and collaboration of a creative team at a midsize company
  • Broaden understanding of the music business

Student Application Instructions: 
Please send resume & cover letter to:, and include answers to the following questions below:

  • Are you able to get college credit for this internship?
    • If so, how many credit hours you need to complete for your course?
  • Are you available at 10am PST every Wednesday to attend our weekly team meeting?
  • What is your ideal start & end date for this internship?
  • What days & times are you available during the week for this internship?
  • What time zone will you be working from during your semester?
  • What aspects of the music industry are you most interested in?
  • What do you hope to learn from this opportunity?

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