SOLID Presents: Networking Mixer


SOLID Presents:  Networking Mixer

Further enhance your networking skills and get personalized networking advice from music industry professionals at our first ever SOLID Presents:  Networking Mixer for Curb College students on Friday, November 15th from 3:00pm to 4:30pm in JAAC 4th floor Conference Room – Janet Ayers Academic Center!
This event was created specifically to mimic a real world social/networking experience.  It’s an entirely new opportunity for students. By attending this event, students will have the opportunity to interact face-to-face with numerous industry professionals in a networking environment and receive personalized feedback regarding strengths and weaknesses observed. This is an exceptional opportunity for students to execute and further develop their networking skills.
You don’t want to miss it!!!
Please register by using the link below.
SOLID Presents: Networking Mixer
A list of industry professionals will be listed in Handshake closer to the event.

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