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You are invited to An Evening with CAA – 11/14 @ 6:30PM


caa_logo_approved_0908061You are invited to “An Evening with CAA” on Monday, November 14th from 6:30-9PM.
This event is exclusively for those that are interested in interning and/or working for CAA.
There are only 20 spots available for Belmont students, so please RSVP ASAP to studentenrichment@belmont.edu with 3 questions you would like to ask CAA.  If you do not submit your questions, you will not be considered. Do your research prior to sending your questions. Once you have submitted your RSVP and questions, you will receive a formal invitation from CAA requesting an additional RSVP.  You should not on any circumstance RSVP if you MAY NOT be able to attend the event. RSVPs will not be accepted after 10/25.
Monday, November 14th
401 Commerce Street Penthouse
6:30pm Check-in / Doors open
7:00pm CAA Presentation & Panel
8:30pm Networking reception
9:00pm Event concludes

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