
Refreshing Your Resume for the Internship Process


Spring is here (well, almost!)  Now is the perfect time to refresh your resume and start your search for Summer and Fall semester internships.  Did you know that many employers will hire Fall interns now, before students leave for summer break?
When it comes to updating your resume, it’s important that you are focusing on the specific position you are applying for.  It’s quite likely you will have a different version of your resume for each position.  This takes TIME and ENERGY, so don’t wait until the last minute.  The profile is the perfect place to relate to the new internship.  But also look at the descriptions/bullets you have for each current/past position.  Maybe instead of focusing on the admin skills you learned in that previous job, you focus on the customer service or creative role you had.  Same job, just describing it in a different manner that is relevant to this new internship
If it’s been a while since you’ve take Internship & Career Foundations (formerly Internship Lab) it’s probably a good idea to have someone review your resume to look for mistakes and formatting issues.  Before you do that though, use this handy CHECKLIST to make sure your resume is meeting basic, professional expectations.

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